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it's up to u to choose if u listen when these maniacs talks

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-02-13 03:02

it's up to u to choose if u listen when these maniacs talks

wakin up in the middle of the night by the sound
of an explosion, the house next to mine has been bombed
someone's walking outside my window, a stone get's thrown
troops storms through the door and they enter my home
without asking who my father is they hit him to the ground
the same thing happens to every male in every village, every town
around.. soldiers.. atleast a hundred men
is searchin through the area for oil, I don't understand
they kill anyone, girls, boys who's not grown up yet
but bush told 'em if they do they'll be loyal to uncle sam
cause "- there's a war going on outside.. we gotta fight"
bush's takin lifes and usa thinks what he's doin is right
he may be a human but he sure as hell got no human side
"- what if Iraq plans an attack? do u wanna die?"
..threats.. it's all stupid lies, but who will understand
that the only threat to them is media and their own government
and those who's wonderin too much gets killed,
locked up and gets fucked up for real..
it's up to u to choose if u listen when these maniacs talks
while the middle-east gets eliminated by bombs
..9/11, THEY did it, if u disagree then explain to me what
really happend to pentagon..
..the one and only planecrash without any plane involved..

(ganska snöigt skriven text men budskapet kommer nog fram.. igen)

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