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2007-01-21 00:26


Paying rental costs, wouldn't be a cash issue
If I didn't go and spend them all!
Thoughts run my mind, always something in my mental flaws
At least twice a day, morning to evening like dental floss
And won't stop hitting me till the pendulum stops
And the watch stops ticking on my grandfather clock
At least I've learnt one thing in nearly 20 years
Cash Rules Everything Around Me, including the hemisphere
And the world is a computer, you're just a random component
Stuck in a static world... But hey!
At least beautiful people don't have love problems

Never met my significant other
Never had the luck to build a religion in thunder
My own silly, pretty and ridicoulus lover
Sharing the magic tuned to a birds unconditional humming
Had monthly relations, never grew to something serious
Never gave my heart for it, simply hoped for miracles
Built up rhymes put in tense and mixed up venemous
Just knew I could express myself in words - lyrical
I'd never stop to love you, pop the bubble
Love's as useful as money trouble... But hey!
At least rich people don't have money problems

Money problem?
Fuck the dollars!

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello