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Racapp - Club Front

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-01-09 20:11

Racapp - Club Front

(sättet som detta ska rappas är lite strange, typ south kanske dipset shit, tiiiiime dra ut på orden. pz)

- yo,  whats up
- nuthin man, meet me at Club Front 'round ten'o'clock
- ye take care chill peace

Flip it like hydralics
millions in the wallets
Hittin your coffin
ya gettin some problems?
Spit it like an anthem
Fill it like a condom
Rythm and the others
ya gettin some problems?


Me wallet be whine, when its partying time
The others will shine "need a condom tonight"
Got hydralics in riides, check the following lines
"your getting laid homie, aint no problems of miiine"
so im walking alright?, this guy be blockin my style
something he tried, the dude be mocking my pride
So i call him asiide, said, "if ya frontin ya die"
leave ya coffin alive but you rotten and sliiced
He kept robbing my rhymes, so i started to rhyme
"ye i be fucking bride, she be sucking it tight
A relationship, me and you chick like bonnie and clyde"
he tried to rhyme but he dropped down his smile
he said it kinda shaky, "do you want it outside?"
i put nothing aside, i got brothers, besides
you aint half my strength, i'´ll knock ya in fights
but i came here , b'cuz its partying time
so put up your glasses lets put this problems aside

Flip it like hydralics
millions in the wallets
Hittin your coffin
ya gettin some problems?
Spit it like an anthem
Fill it like a condom
Rythm and the others
ya gettin some problems?


So Clock strikes something alright
And shit, i dont want to call it a night
so i left the club, was problems outside
i promise you cops, tried to stop it , i tried
wasnt bothering guys, nah, im just droppin some lies
truth is, i started the fight, knocking down five
last one was chocking suprised, astonished so i,
walked towards and aimed my fucking clock at his eye
"im fucking your wife, and you dont want it to slide
fuck bonnie and clyde we do it like hundreds of times"
bombing your rights, and your wonderin why
cuz im loving the sight but u brought thunderin strikes
The fact is, you aint no friend and no brother of mine
so i could let go and put some gunshots with smile
but i came here , b'cuz its partying time
so put up your glasses lets put this problems aside

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