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Joto - My mom

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-22 21:09

Joto - My mom

Ja, här är en lite mer igenomtänkt text. Men jag tvivlar på att ni som inte känner mig kommer fatta nått för den är byggd på många internskämt :)

She´s everything that a man can enjoy...
But wherever she goes everything gets destroyed!
She´s the definition of joy, she´s the definition of fear..
Because she´s so big you can pretend you´re tenting in her rear!
So please lend me your ear, or lend me your other...
Because I must warn you from having sex with my mother!
And if you attempt to bother while she is fucking my friend..
You can count with that you´ll never ever get "lucky" again!
If she sits on you you better consider yourself beaten.
Because she´s known as whole Russia, Finland and Sweden.
Which means that the size of her body shortly is global.
And by all of the sumos she is known as the most royal...
Oh yeah, she is gigantic, she is huge just like the Earth!
And when she gets wet all deserts turn into dirt.
So what have you learnt? Have I twisted your mind up & down?
Now when I´ve told you this... Do you still want to fuck my mom?

Hoppas du hade kul ^^

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold