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Simpo & M8 - Life end quick

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-20 21:30

Simpo & M8 - Life end quick

I can't stand this, my legs are turning me down
I can't find my strenght, now it's pulling me down
I don't wan't to be the next that will die in war
It's terrible cause we'll be exterminated like dinosaurs
one after one, people will kill to protect
I'm might be fine, but I will surely bleed in my chest
War is insane, haven't you understood that yet?
cause it feels like you took my breath
And now you've lost it, it's gone for good
it's nowhere to be found but so long I've got you
no war can bother me at all, and that's the true..  

War is one thing and love is a other, don't mix them up
cause then you don't know if you should hate or love
I know that you know that I'm right with this
better catch up some time, cause life are quick
And we don't have time to fight about oil or gas
it's not worth to start a world war cause someone stol your cash
when you notice that you left it in your left pocket
Now we have lost some time, so you better step on it
cause this wan't last forever, no, it wan't..

"Jag kom ihåg att jag bara glömde ditt namn"