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Kauf & Joona - Tales from under the surface

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-13 01:39

Kauf & Joona - Tales from under the surface

Lite från det gamla blocket ;

I love sending chills in the little fishes marrow -
And how they just take of when they notice my shadow -
I'm killing crabhoes, when they get lazy and old -
And then hang out with my orca homies in their place that's cold -
A cocky trout comes up to me with a wack this -
I just ignore him, he's soon to be a McFish -
So catch this! I'm the big king of this water -
I spot a flat-fish and then bring him to slaughter -
A Swimming hitman, from the great white maffia -
With terrible sharp teeths, of course my bites stoppin ya -
OK, Simba was good in "Lion King" with his fur and claws -
But right now you are looking at the main character in "Jaws" -
And now I'm infected with the under water flue -
So I'm hiding at my shark crib just wonder what to do -
Day dreaming of publife with peanuts and a dark ale -
Thats all from me, and my life, this was a sharks tale -

I keep my stomach full by husslin' in the corall reavs
born as a clownfish, so you can call me a coloured theif
kickin' back with my fish-fellows to my shining demo
and who did you think commit the kindap of "finding Nemo"?
bringed his ass to the humans for two pearls and five clams
untop of that I got two girls and tickets to fly jams
Wasting time on cheap mermaids and smokin' bladder wrack
and if I feel bored i command Triron to fix a weather attack
That's how it's working, cuz' im holding the baton
and to be over the surface is just a fadon
Riding beautiful with trimed dolfines and golden fins
pimpin shrimps without moving a limb
and i got two housetrained cafishes to watch my back
so do what every fish does, catch my track!
and if you're in the neighborhood n' wanna feel the heat
your welcome to 48 Titanicstreet,look after the presidentsweat
