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Only problem is...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-11-12 16:12

Only problem is...

Sick and tired of not being able to write anymore
Time is stopped in writers block
And I can't change the hour
One rhyme, two rhymes, three rhymes and fuck it
Nothing's escalating or evolvning, skill has dropped dead
Nothing's moving in the right direction, words at wrong positions
At the wrong time facing the wrong competition
I wish I had a fat rhymes and tons of listeners
Mad lines, meaningful texts and hundred eyes to write to
I went from zero to zero
Now that's a step in the right direction
And all these wack ass cats talking 'bout skill and timing
Just can't feel their texts, grammar or rhyme skills
Why you even trying? I'm giving it up
Word on Neobica's text! Only problem is that Neobica sucks
People haven't evovled from shit
Still stuck in a layer of mud way beneath me, boring bitches
I went from prodigy genesis to a troubleful nemesis
From sipping hennessy to pissed off enemies
Now my blood pumps the venemous..
And sometimes, a little kid comes up with one good line
Concentrate on that one line, look beyond that one line
Take a good look at it, it ain't that good
Profile, I took a look at your profile, fun times
I laughed to death reading your punchlines, they mad fun
Only problem is, you gotta realise they ain't fat
They ain't good, they ain't all that, you're not all that
Your punchlines suck, realise I'm laughing at you, not with you
Kammel keeping the standard
Got good text, subjects and good rhymes, big up
Only problem is, you keep writing sessions with wack kids
With plastic rhymes, believing they're fantastic
Just 'cause they're rhyming with someone good, fuck them
People with skills left the forum, for long since now
Hwarang drops from time to time, GAIA like once a month
Trueballa's banned, Tsun's too big for this, kid got skill
Medmera, Scope, whatever is still active, skills there too
Way beyond what I'll ever posses, ever get
Still writing though, gotta keep it up
Only problem is, skills are fallen, what once was
Has been lost in the ocean, is stuck beneath a rock
Can't come up, can't come back on track
I've been thinking too long, I wanna write again
Only problem is.. I whine to motherfucking much
Only problem is.. Fuck lyricism
Only problem is.. I gotta get this out of my system
Only problem is... FUCK YOU ALL!

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello