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kJELLE - love hanna

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-11-01 13:43

kJELLE - love hanna

I just wanna se you again just tell how much i love you
To tell you how i care.
Baby cant you understand me your the glory of my life
When the time has come to go i just want you to know
your the love of my life
I been dreaming of you since i was a little kid
That's all i wanna do to become a part of you
I don't wanna lie to you must be telling the truth
Cuse baby you are all i wanna know

I remember when we first met
It was the best time of my life
You hade the smile and the glory
You hade the best story
To tell your friend's about me
But when you are gone i will be whriting this song
In the name of you baby
I will be telling all about you
You hade my life
But now i must go
You said you where sorry but i must know
Are you telling the truth

I just wanna se you again just tell how much i love you
Can't you look into my eyes and tell me
Or are you going to leave me
Or are you going to say you need me'
Cuse your the love of my life

I will be waiting by the phone
Just to here you once more
Thinking of the days
It whas only you and me 
Kissing and hiding under an tree

You where my first big lov
I hope you know that
I whant you to be my babygirl my prinsess
Thats the true story from my side
Know baby tell me yours.

One day i will be asking you to mary me
Or is it one dream that will never come true
I just wanna get upp there and say i love you
Take your hand and say i do.
Kissing you and whisper in you ear and baby i swear i will never letting you go

No one is bether you are the best for me


Alla kärleks förklaringar är skrattretande. hatred before love