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2006-10-30 22:16

Dave - LIFE

why were we put here im askin you why

im lookin for an answer but the answer

is life, so what is life if you eventually gonna die

the eternal question that keeps me up at night.

so here we are anyway in this place together

i´vnt writtens for years n days so i write this letter

to make this better but it only makes me sadder

lifes like a long ladder no help for those who suffer

career moves switching, peeps are bitching

to make it all harder for you to reach it

ones u made it there´s no point of doin it

it all collapse cause the future is undescided

u might wind up dead tomorrow its no way to deny it

and death you follow maybe another path

but no fact, a distract for us to remember the past.


why were we put here im askin you why

im lookin for an answer but the answer

is life, so what is life if you eventually gonna die

the eternal question that keeps me up at night.