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7thSense - The Return of the king ..(2nd time coming)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-10-16 22:02

7thSense - The Return of the king ..(2nd time coming)

Ive spent most of my life in a heavenless cloud, rememberin now mistakes i've made since I learned how to step on the ground  
the lack of attention from crowds, made my ambition more loud
I have to step in this house, trying to find some help for me now
maybe it's too late.. when all of a sudden I start ventin out loud

...so I start to descent

I Been Gone some Time I See this sites been missing my art

so I reviwed my writings wishin I never left in the start
my school life and my passion I alwayz kept them apart

but unpluggin my connect gave me a hole left in my heart
check it, then in the lost month my grades rose to perfection

but I missed it all, now my real catz is gone an i miss em

to the newbs im harsh and its to help, I don't try to diss em'

being critisised by vets helped me choose my direction
pursued the dream opened the hole was filled.. I saw fresh

blood around since last descent, made me feel older still
Wheres my family? how could home seem so cold and real

had these divine visions of return, why? I wuz told I will
take it or leave don't ever question my judgement.. I poured

all I had into my drops depleting my chest and my gullet
came hard, took keyology to the top testin my brothers

im standing in This court being judged the best, and I love it

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