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2006-10-12 12:13


Will u get together my baby (willU)
Will u get together my baby (willU)
I been waiting all my life for you my baby
Your the one the god has sent for me
I will always be here for you and love you
I am not talkin shit its true
I will always love you my baby...
By your side I'll be
I  want to promise that I'll never leave you alone
Sitting here contemplating will my dreams come true

Will u get together my baby (willU) 
Will u get together my baby (willU) 

Not a day go by that I don't think of you
You are my baby and thats true
I will always love you
You are so fine i wanna make you mine will you mary me
And i promiss u nothing can seperate us in this world
Im allways gona thank the gods for the gift they sent me
Im remember the first kiss under the big tree

Will u get together my baby (WillU) 
Will u get together my baby (WillU)

When you are not here
I think about you  I can't get no rest
I think about you  there ain't no one else
But you my baby
It just dont do me like it used to do
Id rather think about you

Will u get together my baby (WillU) 
Will u get together my baby (WillU)

Ge gärna bra och konstruktiv kritik

Alla kärleks förklaringar är skrattretande. hatred before love