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LamberT - Kickar English

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-09-09 20:08

LamberT - Kickar English

Yo, check this out :I woke up at 9 and something was smelling funny /
Opened the closet and found a dead bunny /
went to the kitchen to make me some breakfast /
im in Freestyle Fanatics, so i can break fast/
started the oven to boil me an egg /
I'm so fucked up that in sweden they call me a "drägg" /
dots on my forearm and a pile of used up needles /
shots on my bardesk and a pile of peanuts /
C'mon hunny, bend over and touch the floor /
practice battling for a year and you might just score /
Thats right whore, come to me and get a nice shock /
I'm so cold that people call me an iceblock /
Whats'up, IceBlock? *hehe* /
No, really, i've got to stop the beat:
im so great that people often think i cheat /
so back it up, and stack it up bitch /
Give me a blow or i'll smack you up bitch /
Im the kinda wigga you can't by in a store /
I sell my body so often that people call me a WHORE /
Fucking... What the fuck, like Döddes signatur /
I make so much noise that swedes call me a "mistlur" /
skitsur, fan jag changar till svengelska /
För right nu im ligger på sängen fan /
bäng som fan, im fast like a caaar /
I spark so much that folk kallar mej för staaar

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