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Enemies Within

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-07-13 01:06

Enemies Within

you're offending me while I'm defending you
the system's killing us, continously, who's who?
ain't no world we belong in, systemic crews
see, you gotta be strong, yeah, powerful
you gotta realize when to hit, when to pull
you gotta be the best to always stay cool
nothing's certain, nothing lasts forever
to stay alive you have to wary and be clever
don't stay in enemy territory - stay together
stand in enemy fire and hit the ground
you're bound to die sometime and be found
surrounded by arousing enemies around
like hounds, consuming your flesh renowned
cops take you down, your weapons go impound
that's the flow of the street, the condemned sound
we're all living beings of a game we're in
you gotta keep your way to stay in the spin
because you see, we're all bound to sin
sooner or later, we fall beyond God's grin
you see, we kill ourselves, we never win
and that's when we realize;
we all have our enemies within

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