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DrJuan - About Me!?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-07-05 09:52

DrJuan - About Me!?

Hehe, hade inget bättre för mig så jag skrev en text lite fort.
Tyckte det var ganska bra, lätt bra när jag rappade den för
mig själv i alla fall. Hoppas ni ska tycka om den med, och
notera ironin tack ;-)

If you waned to see me eye to eye
You better call for extra wepon supply
Im crazy, I take so much drugs that my brain flowed out of my brain
I hate you, I really do and it's not to complain //
I toled you Im just insain //

I was to a party the last week smoked so much grass that
I believed I was I heaven //
When I waked up I found myself leaven //
What the fuck is wrong with me? I dont know //
I just like to see everything in the world glow //

Insain, stupid and a fucking narrow specialist //
A freind tried to kill me because he thought I was the antikrist //
I dont really give a dame about what you think //
I take over the FM and start send my shit over radio link //
My rhymes really suck yes they do //
But it don't help that you stand there screaming "buuu" //

All I ever tried to do Im my life went wrong //
And now Im trying to find solace in my bong //
Im voilent, sick and Im mentaly addicted to grass //
I allways try to be best, Im a fucking smartass //

Chipmod - Chiptunes - Blip Blop :- That's my thing!