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2006-06-20 00:54


Jag satt och skrev lite på engelska och kom konstigt nog in på ord...

aja här är resultatet:

I dont know what to say. But I find word overrated.
But like any quiet guy am I not enougth motivated.
Im sick of sentences, I am sick if these bitches that makes
me sick of the words that makes me sick of this sickness!
Im just a drop from the curve in a dyslectic diagram. Luckily am
I from the bottom but not on the top screaming "Im the man".
But I am the man with the goal to thrash the man. When "the day"
comes no one will remember the destructor Jotohananen.
It´s time to wake up. Stop dreaming of the perfect world because
in the perfect world there wouldn´t be words nor bassdrums!
You may be wondering, why does he say that? Hiphop is a sin
to music. In hiphop there´s rhyming words with bass back.
But its okey.. You dont have to listen to me, but that doesn´t
mean that it is okey that you throw disses on me. But whatever
it is just words. I dont care as long they not have red line.
I hate these fucking word! There, now have I said mine..

hoppas ni fattar... Eller nått...

god Natt!

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold