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Vassago - I'm sorry

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-23 02:04

Vassago - I'm sorry

Listen up I’m spitting this cuz I’m so drunk
Ever sense I was I juvenile I’ve never bin giving a fuck
The alcohol In my body expresses my pain
When I was 14 got locked up in a fuckin cage
17 years in this deadly game of drugs and fears
shed over a million tears praying but nobody hears me
It’s me against the system spiting my wisdom baby
Ohh lord when I die tell mama not to cry
Be happy don’t even say god bye cuz I’ll se he on the other side
Say the same to my pops and ill sister
Today it’s my moms birthday and I ain’t even with her
She can hardly walk cuz she’s almost paralysed
I look in to her beautiful eyes and se an angel in diskize
How could I hurt the best women alive so much
I’m sorry But whata fuck should I do when I’m stuck
I’m trying to be what you want mom wish me god luck

Please forgive me for everything that I’ve dune
I can’t stop crying I just wanna run
I’m sorry for that I ain’t the son you want
Please forgive me for braking your hearts I’m sorry

Please forgive me for everything that I’ve dune
I can’t stop crying I just wanna run
I’m sorry for that I ain’t the son you want
Please forgive me for braking your hearts I’m sorry

Ismet suljevic ain’t just my hero he’s my dad
He’s always bin giving me a helping hand when I’ve had it bad
I was looked up you smuggled bear and shit to se me
Homie my life hasn’t bin easy I don’t think you wanna be me
We didn’t have the money damn we was almost broke
Listen to this words of wisdom from this young loc
Homie remember to Always put you’re family first
fuck drugs man even fuck your best friend
Your family is all you got every one ells leaves you at the end
Fake friend only pretend as long as they need you
After that they put a knife in ya back and leave you
I’ve bin thru all that homie and I regret it
I’ve grown up now man and I really get it
Once I kicked my own father in the chest
Now that I think about it I wanna put my self to rest
I’m sorry for being me but that’s the way I was meant to be

Please forgive me for everything that I’ve dune
I can’t stop crying I just wanna run
I’m sorry for that I ain’t the son you want
Please forgive me for braking your hearts I’m sorry

Please forgive me for everything that I’ve dune
I can’t stop crying I just wanna run
I’m sorry for that I ain’t the son you want
Please forgive me for braking your hearts I’m sorry

Man you know how we doing this doc block huligans

I’m smoking all the time not to get high just to ease my mind