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Engelsk skryt/battle text

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-21 21:43

Engelsk skryt/battle text

Sitter uppe hos föräldrarna i feber och har inte ett skit att göra så jag började skriva ner en liten textblaffa. Hade väl tänkt lägga upp den i battle-forumet först men jag har varken tid eller ork att sitta och svara.

Så döm ut skiten bara hehe

you come straight out of a comic book... mr fagman//
Im some kind of monster under your bed like the sandman//
So stay in school and hit the books of great wizdome//
while I rome my mind like luke in the solarsystems//
I pack a punch like sonny liston, you can't listen to this//
So let go of the volumeknoob and peel your eyes on my lyricism//
Like the OG:s say, "you ain't gon do shit fooo//
your a bitch like a shitzu, don't come at me, I know ju-jitsu//
So stay in your place, like the bookin key to the thumble washer//
Im now hittin your girl since you stumbled on words and lost her//
And im keepin my troophie, she's safe and sound with me here//
You know Im not the type a guy to drop a baby like brittney Spears//
Im up on my the throne your way down on the shame stool//
So amazed you kinnda remined me of the singer in brainpool//
