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Spex - Love pt. IV

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-16 19:58

Spex - Love pt. IV

She told me "I already got a boyfriend"
"Hey, I just want to dance"
She left you know
And on top of that, he told me he was after her too
So that makes us three guys chasing the same person
Kinda' funny how I'm not the only one seeking perfection
Kinda' funny how she knows my name now
I touched her, one step in the right direction
Too many obstacles though

Ignorance is blizz, missing obstacles
Stacking out the facts that didn't stay comfortable
Had an imaginary chance, wasn't even a close call
Life isn't without irony, now that's something for my journal
Haha, the April's fool, writing won't help me handling feelings
The cool outer shell reflected in the soul's panic and screaming
'Cause she's far from you average female
I'm the coffee table wanting the hot cup of blackalicous
A drop touches me and suddenly my religion's sacrilegious
För jag har begrundat mitt sätt på ett sjunkande skepp
Och kommit fram till att:
det är svårt att fumla på däck men att drukna är lätt
Visst kan botten va bedårande, strålande vacker
Och om jag bara kunnat ha mitt huvud ovanför vattnet
hade jag nog ändå känt det porla i nacken
but fuck it, I'm taking two of these to ooze and sleep
and maybe tomorrow will be better in a weird soothing beat
where I don't have to stand against teh usual treats
at least that's how it used to be

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello