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Hip hop projekt

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-09 13:16

Hip hop projekt

Vi har hiphop i skolan och som prjekt gjorde vi en låt. Så tänkte bara droppa min vers här för att kolla vad ni tycker :P

I’m S to the dope could you wait for me to spit//
See I’m teabagging you’re mama and she’s really liking it//
"Dude what’s the matter you’re one sick bastard"//
Ahhh, thanks mate I think she’s done at last//
Don’t you wish you’re grandma was a freak like me?//
Could deep throat like Jenna with you’re antenna/
Pornstar academy we pop the cherrys for free//
We get them tanked up on gin then we drug them with ecstasy//
I’m not in to S&M I just love to beat on you//
Slap you till you cry now that is what I do//
But those thin little crackwhores start to get on my nerves//
I want me a fat bitch I just love them curves//
More coushing for the pushing while I’m doing my thing//
Running around in her house screaming bling bling//
This is irony I spit so don’t take it to serious//
I wrote this shit with the point of sounding hilarious//

Suck me beautiful :D