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2006-04-19 19:08


I still dream about you, the smile you carved into my soul
the lips you saved for me when I needed you the most
but I feel cold, ´cuz those sunny days will grow old on its own
and here I lay dreaming, grown into the bottom of this black hole
I thirst for the smell of your spirit, the touch of your divinity
Remember when I said; "You, me and eternity" ?
I´ve tried to see the posibilities to develope this to be reality
But my soul lies bleeding and I wish my eyes were blind..........

It´s painful to realize the depravation within something strong
something that´s so right but end up as something too wrong
Maybe we´ve allready been killing eachother for too long now
or maybe this time apart will result in the dawn of a new start
I don´t know ´cuz all I really know is that you´ll always have my heart
or atleast a part of it, the remaining part will fucking die
It´s allready dying and I´m just waiting for the sky to fall
But hey, I´ll try to call you from my bunker just to see how you are.........

It hurts me to see how your world turn while mine standing still
so I´m sinking down the solitude of wishes I never succeeded to fullfill
Spilling the dry tears that never fell while trying to fucking kill them
I hurt myself with the memories of glorious love and living hell
But I still dream about you, the smile you carved into my soul
the lips that you saved for me when I needed you the most
But I feel cold, ´cuz those sunny days will grow old on its own
and here I lay dreaming, grown into your shadow on my own.........

I still love you.

Så som du ljuger för dig själv ljuger du också för dina barn.