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AvM - 2 Stories and then it ends

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-08 01:59

AvM - 2 Stories and then it ends

Små ändringar (bl.a. yttligare 2 verser av JoTohananen med samma tema) kan ske innan inspelning. Annars är skiten helt färdig.

Her name Susie likes fast food and movies
She hates absolutely all men deeply and truly
Like most women now days she hates the way she looks
Read her the way you want, she’s a walking open book
Every single time a poor guy would ask her out
He would quickly get to know what Susie was all about
But the lonely dark nights were starting to take their toll
She was sick of feminism, she had gotten to old
Tired of hating men, tired of being the judges them
Tired of being called pc thug, over and over again
She didn’t like men, but she wasn’t homosexual
She felt like she was standing on one leg on a pedestal
Call upon the gods for some help from above
How would she know what to do, she’s never even been in love
She wanted to fall in love, but didn’t who to fall for
I don’t want the dammed creep, take her she’s all yours

Meet Stevie he’s a homicidal maniac
Already at an early age he turned out to be a brainiack
But Stevie saw through what society had to offer
He left his simple life and left his wife and daughter
He set of on a course after he filed for divorce
Gave himself in to a world of brutal force and inner wars
Sexual intercourse, with under aged bitter whores
Who would do anything to get through societies closed doors
Stevie took advantage of the week on the street
He stabbed, robbed and killed 2 hoboes a week
That’s the way it goes, there’s no room for the weak
No matter which path you seek, life is never cheap
You might ask of his motive, why did he leave?
What did this guy Steve really try to achieve?
What were his goals? What was it he chased?
The answer is nothing; Steve is just a fucking nutcase
