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Spex - Fuck you

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-08 01:46

Spex - Fuck you

AAAA din mamma okej?

Yeah it's on again, my poisonous pen infecting paper
Making it bound to come out wicked like incestial rapings
A fluorescent style condemned into a half assed sionist
Walking a fine line between nutty professor and mad scientist
Finalist in every tournament I've been part of on Whoa
Spex motherfucker, yeah it's commonly known that
I'm a continent, you can't even stretch into peninsula
And you know what, fuck Hwa - I'm turning lyricists into beginners
D'ye, bitches say I'm cumin' off short, I can't deal with pressure
The thing is I just came
Give me one good reason why I should give you pleasure, huh?
So Jågurt
Throw that dragqueen picture, or print it as a full body copy
And I'll happily take it to release some my aggravations
Man (?) face it, it was funny to start with accusations
But when you stepped out of the closet I seriously got scared
...started hoping for a worldwide annihilation...
so fuck ya'll, I'm tired

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bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello