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DIKT - The Nothing Star Shines Tonight

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-03-30 01:15

DIKT - The Nothing Star Shines Tonight

En nära vän till mig har skrivit denna och jag gillade den.
Så jag lade upp den med hans tillåtelse.


The nothing star shines tonight, over my head.
If I close my eyes and belive in the night.
I can pretend that I'm dead.

No one to comfort me
No one to love.
Not even god, the father from above.

I never had a friend or a destiny.
I guess my only company is my own misery.
It follows me, never lets me down.
It'ss everywere I go, it's in every sound.

See my eyes , they're filled with sorrow.
It's the same thing, when I wake up tomorrow.
I go trough a narrow passage, a lonely street.
And the worst thing, are the people I meet.
They don't understand, they don't even see.
Kills me with their eyes, and the pain is so consistent.
I don't see an end to this, guess I have to find hope for myself.

So if you find me wounded, soon to be dead.
Then look at the falling star, that's right over my head.

/ Peter Hällström

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