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2006-02-08 00:24

spex - yeye

Grab the best of friends, my feathered pen
And my weathered face starts crying led again
Filling paperbits with make-believes to my concave preachs
With an exploring mind that got me testing bonderies
I'm Lucifer! Pounding atheists to crucifix's
From Beelzebub to triple-six, my styles are numerous
Eve's desire breathing fire, your personal Antichrist
That'll make you sacrafice your afterlife for brief enlightment
Doomsdays earthquakes, fiery skies and hurricanes
That you think'll disappear if your pray and grab your churchbench
Or close the curtains, I won't leave the face of the planet
Till I get my dick sucked from a chick with a mouthfull of Bourbon
I don't reply to disses laid by half-assed techno-bitches
There's a reason why I joined after you left ML twighead
You do the aftermath.. Fuck Kalix crew, overrated average cats
I'll have you counting days till death like death-row almanacs
But until then, I'll keep in touch...


norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello