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Rain - Untold Story.txt

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-01-29 18:24

Rain - Untold Story.txt

Trough my life, I’ve seen darkness and endless pain
Despite how I lived, the status quo remained the same
No air did ever pass trough my lungs yet I remained alive
These endless nights made me very abstained to fight

I did lit a torch to find the end of this continuous maze
I searched like a fool, but the walls always remained
No one could see my oblivious pain, it was hidden beneath
I could taste the longing of my happiness all over my teeth

I tried to learn a lesson, a lesson that no one could teach
I tried to meet requirements, requirements that no one could meet
I tried to tell myself that I wasn’t doing anything wrong
Yet I always knew, that I was lying to myself all along

My fabled words didn’t pass trough anyone’s head anymore
I was nowhere near to be saved until something washed ashore
Something that I could adore, something truly irreplaceable
Something that now has left my world, my faceless truth.

A world build in the blink of an eye now tenderly fades away
I’m falling with it, and I will continue fall until my dying day
I could scream out that I wanted it all to stay yet then again
I wouldn’t face it; I would see facades building up to be replaced. .

So now my voiceless whispers all fade into the silence
Taking a blow that resulted in blood without violence
Without my dreams I wouldn’t be the person you see
Without my tears I wouldn’t see who I used to bee

A faceless expression of a fading world,
An untold story, to sad to be heard

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