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Ändroo - Larger than life ..ILLNESS!!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-01-23 12:47

Ändroo - Larger than life ..ILLNESS!!

Efter en hel helgs arbete så får man äntligen ledigt så då ere lika bra att lägga upp en text..kommentera också!

Larger than life, saw tooth, my jaw's as strong as vice
The captain sat with God as sargeant of Christ
My arm is a knife-like particle charging device
Ever part of me's nice, switch beats, audible twice
Slaughter the mic then form fire out of water and ice
And give it a body and bite after I taught it to fight
I'll haunt you at night and still tell you nothing is there
But I live in your dreams and closet and I'm under your stairs
I ain't fuckin with air I shoot missles from surface to nose
Convertible flows straight off the top like a vertical row
I'm so certain with prose, beserkin til every word of its gold
Invert it and murder it slow, but I'm still allergic to growth
Nevervous and perfectly cold the most carving precision
My charts must be missin, I baffle Havard physicians
Or Dartmouth or Princeton, I'm the heart of a system
Take a part of it, print it, I'm the cartridge and ribbon
The cartlidge is splinterin and I'm not even startin to finish
Start with a sentence but get lost in the darkeness that's in it
The master of war, a warrior, fantastic as four
Crack addicts in back cuttin up a package of raw
The time bomb tied on with a strap to your jaw
A mask and a saw, slash it and wrap it with gauze
Take a dramatical pause, let off and splatter you dawg
As your adomen empties out your back to the wall
I keep five barrels locked and loaded with live ammo
Infront of my face, behind the scope with my eye narrowed
Paint the target, aim, squeeze and drain an artist
Cause I was trained to spark and only hit brains I'm heartless