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O-DiN - Make a wish

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-01-16 23:56

O-DiN - Make a wish

I made a mistake boy please just come back
i made a wish please god understand
i got a million excuses bout why you died
but all my word dont mean anythin this time
what if life was a dream just testin us
so that we one day will meet up again
please forgive me for not givin you a chance
of livin your life wit love n' romance
what i have to say is not enough boy sorry
i miss you friend i miss you like crazy
lets fall into sleep and never wake up
lets be wit eatchother like never befo'
would you have been happy if i took my life
making a wish befo that to turn back time
i made my mistake bro i just cant handle it
happy birthday for all the days that has passed
from earth up to heaven n' to the earht again
maybe one day we'll meet up my friend
i cant say im sorry more than enough
my heart beats faster thats why im makin this choice
god forgive my excuses cuzz im done down here
my friends up in heaven ill see you soon up there
my life never got to begin perfect for shoe'
got my first hit in years when i was doin a hoe
my life got fucked up i started runnin around
screamin to death and fallin down to the ground
shake your head boy no one felt my sorrow
i only got one way to make it all better
i went back home went straight to the kitchen
grabbed the big knife sayin im not allowed to be livin
i made a wish that i never was born
i closed my eyes n' i stopped feelin warm
i got a million thougts bout life n' my family
i felt sorry leavin them back that heavily
choosin my life over my friends was not meant
cuzz the more the time went it lead to your death
i was stupid back then i just thought of myself
life made it harder for me so i started pretend
would you been happy if i just was a friend
faking my happines just to make your pain end
from then and on i thinked about it every year
it led me to problems that i never had feared
my life got even harder i never got a chance
of beein the friend that everyone talked about then
i felt like a devil only dressed in discuise
i looked to the mirror i saw it in the eyes
never felt real until i felt in love my first time ever
girl u made me live life like forever and ever
would u been my wife if it never had its end
would we still be together if i never got mad
would i still be your friend if you never moved out
i never got my answer even when i shouted
i was left alone my only thougt was "you know"
i went back to the place after that i got low
i stayed in hospital for like 4 weeks or so
met death and some friends i was happy like never befo'
my only thought was to not keep stayin alive
cuzz i had my friends wit me it came as a suprise
i never told this to anyone but god and myself
my life changed forever like a new boy found himself
wit time goin on i lost bout 16 friends though
i got to a low point but ive been there befo' so
i stood up strong enough to make a fake smile to yall
nobody understood what i lived through n' still did't fall
wit enough time and space i got my life back up again
and i fight for it now so i can have it remained

Allvarliga kommentarer snälla..ja vet inte om de e nån låt lr dikt..jag bara skrev ner känslor och tankar om mitt liv..hoppas ni tar texten allvarligt..peace