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Ändroo - The Cold Cobra ..BENHÅRT!!!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-01-11 20:28

Ändroo - The Cold Cobra ..BENHÅRT!!!

Den senaste texten från mej, har inte haft tid under lovet att posta några av de senaste texterna men nu e jag tillbaka igeen!! aah..cheeck it out!

The cold cobra inchin closer to my foe's shoulder I'm so vulgar
The flow thrower I'm a white hot ice box like Hell froze over
Grab a roast poker and gash your throat open in slow motion
You graspin the gappin hole gropin as each dose grows potent
The serial slasher peelin back your cereberal matter til your brain's bashed in
Like the backspin on a shell's casting smashin til each DNA strain's collaspin
Dismember ya nerve endings extendin machetes into the hemorrhaging ahead of me
Effectively deadly my synaptic cleft is steadily pedaling melodies into your chemistry
Every verse I disperse is reverse engineered from the pinnacle of perfection
Inverted into similar sections to reflect the etchings of a subliminal redirection
Each line cheats time like bein frozen in cryo and revived nine light years after dyin
Like I'm inside Einstein's mind multiplied by 185 corresponding signs
I spent centuries pening so descriptively that one skip and the electronic eye will miss it
And eventually every word encrypts backwards into Egyptian hieroglyphics
I'll make the Pacific shift, rise, and pivot til the tides flip the Moon's phases
Doom hastens, I dumbfound human perception like compounded collections of Hume's pages