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she was his hope. pt 1 (Storytelling 72bars)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-26 21:07

she was his hope. pt 1 (Storytelling 72bars)

an empty soul, without any visions or dreams-
Jake's used to get beat up n' listen to screams-
he dosen't think people dies as equal-
he cant relay on people, he relay on evil-
cry with needles, just 'bout to be pressed in his neck-
thinkin' about all the things thats left to respect-
but he hesitate, somebody have messed with faith-
somebody has made him forget about whats left to hate-
he think death is great-
n' he dont really wanna have a single breath to take-
but something stopped his act-
right after he took the gun n' cocked it back-
the vision is blurred-
but a small picture starts to emerge-
on he's eyes, n' see thats it is her-
this is the girl, Amber, that opened his heart-
he's a loner n' his heart were closed from start-
but when his around her, things start to emerge within-
he's all alone, his mum dead when she gave birth to him-
his dad's an alcoholic n' he dosen't have a single friend-
for every second that passes he feel like hes close to the end-

hate n' evil are gone, no more death n' sins-
it's thanks to this girl who have her classroom next to him-
a beautiful girl, with brown eyes n' brown hair-
a soft skin, a little nos n' two round ears-
he loved her seens that first time-
he was crying in the toilets, it was the worst time-
she sat down n' said to him with a big happy smile-
"you don't haft to cry, you don't wanna see the afterlife"-
their still people who likes you n' he wonder if they'll miss him-
but before he could figger it, she was on her way to kiss him-
everything stops, just by a look of her made him so blind-
n' now she want to kiss him, did someone play with his mind-

by now Jake n' Amber turned into a couple-
no more suicidal thoughts, no more bruised n' bloody knuckles-
his emotions were closen before-
but god has seet an angel to open his door-
she filled colors in him, before his life were grey-
maybe, just maybe she'll be his wife someday-

History is made by those who break the rules.