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wildjam, whatyathink?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-15 01:57

wildjam, whatyathink?

I was born a Spring morning 10 days into may. according to the papersign on the bed ???pounds was my waight.
I came when i was expected, i wasnt to early and i wasnt to late.
And its the same today. im not showin up whit the earlybus but, eather not delayed
see it as a cliche, but it is my faith, timing and skill is something i create.
and if wanna hang around whit my klick, act spontainius, but dont suck on my dick
play it smart, and respect to my crew or else, you aint fuckin whit us your are fuckin whit yourself.
we aint playahater, but nether we are pimps, we aint thugs, but nether god´s favourite chimps.
couse, im been around the best of friends, yes friendships end. but some of them are just like vitamin m.
Thay stay for round ten! And i would never think of leaving them

There was a time when underlined was underestimated,
they had their fun but now its time to admit i made it,
I´ve made some rhyme that splitted my mind and didnt fit the paper.
but have som indgulense and please think about that later.

Yeah. Yeah. I´ve played the bad man, and i´ve played the sad man.
I know its quite an, but i still think im thundering.
becouse im not a theif, more like a gentleman.
and when it comes to girls i threat them gently man.
im think that im more downt to earth to nowadays.
im a realist. and i have putten away all the other faces.
my childhood wasnt messed up more then others
i lived a quiet life whit my parends and my two older brothers
I have two cats to, thay are adoreble.
and the fact that thay gonna die soon is horrible
and there is a reason that i´ve changed too.
in fact.. that reason is you and you, and you

There was a time when underlined was a underestimated,
they had their fun but now its time to admit i made it,
I made some rhyme that splitted my mind and didnt fit the paper.
but have som indgulense and please think about that later.

ska fixas och skrivas mer verser, men i stora drag, vad tycks?

pes niggers and viggers and alla andra hoes and bulldogs and babes and you know, you know

I might have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night