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2005-12-15 01:38

I'm falling

I'm falling apart and the guilt slowly digest me
I can't handle this, the tears are closer than it might seem
Maybe if I would have been there I could had help
but then again I guess there's somethings you learn yourself

I am feeling filled up and emptied out just be gone
I wasen't there when you need me to be strong
All I wan't is to see you smile just once more
I must meet you soon cause my hearts an open morgue

It feels like it's my faoult, so near to light a candle
and if you would disapearthat's the only thing I can't handle
I want you here cause I'm broken down busted in tears
They're falling from my eyelids, closed eyes open and you're not near

This thing eats me up from the inside
The same inside that loves you and ain't a lie
If you would disapear from I wouldn't be able to handle it at all
but I'll be your knight in shininng armor ánd show you the priva

I feel sorry for you and the pain inside of you to
I will Alllways Be with you, what ever you will go thru
I love you so much I'm down here shaking and suffocating
fuck I came back justfor you

Här har ni titanernas Gud
kaxigaste mannen eller hur!!