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"It´s only for fun"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-08 17:11

"It´s only for fun"

He´s holding a knife in his right hand
He´s dressed in a blue cap and tight pants
Wished he could possibly fight back
But that´s impossible, he thinks with sarcasm
Takin´a step towards the last moment
He´s alone in the forest, and really bored
With a sharp object in his use
Cutting his wrist loose
He screams and he screams
And the wrist bleeds and it feels
Banging his head in the nearest tree
That feels like his weírdest dream
But this time it happens it´s fucking real
He feels cold, his not freezing cause its fear
He dont wanna die but he´s gonna die
Ánd he´s probably ín coma now
That´s when he wakes up
And thinking, I shouldn´t take drugs
He looks around "were am I "
He notice it´s blood on his arm

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