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Tsun - Long time, No see (OT diss)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-05 13:46

Tsun - Long time, No see (OT diss)

Tsun, Fuck rocking crowds, I'm not fucking around
Touching your grounds, Take over, Game over, Buckin' you down
You'll never be a pharaoh! Even if we battle
And I leave you lying on the ground with a cracked nose
Shots to waste on this fagot, I got your name and your adress
You won't see tomorrow n I aint speakin bout breaking yo glasses
Fuck raising the standart, I just slay the mic when I touch it
Waste lives when I'm bustin, Tsun's the wrong nigga to fuck with
DJ Zeuss, Stop producing, Stop scratching, Please
I swear, It sounds like you got parkinsons disease
Watch what you say, holmes, Get it straight, holmes
Fuck Keio, Tsun bring it and show the meaning of K.O
Lookin at your pics makes me wanna kick you with hockeyboots
I never seen a uglier dude....and I fucking know Bobby Q
O.T some dude that can't take the critics, You aint a lyricist
Yousa little bitch bragging about how you be bringing it, Bring it.

Fuck a text. Jag ska recca. Shu

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