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2005-12-03 01:47

Spex - Love

I met her in the hallway
Like halfway 'tween the lockers and cafeteria
You know the eye contact that fucks your interiors
and you feel like damn,
I've never felt like this before

Dried out mouth, tied up pounds of love, sittin' on time out
When all you really want is to yell out loud
And express those feelings, share your butterflies
With the whole world, let 'em out your abdominals
And get them to spread out, sharing your happiness
With friends and family, without worrying 'bout whats happening
in the rest of the world, without thinking of marriages
Relationships with engagement rings and having it fucked up
'Cause all you do is love, ain't nothing wrong
With a happy relation 'tween man and woman holding strong
Right at that time when you need it the most
You fall for a woman you can't reach
but you know that's 'cause the feeling of love

When you chase something you can't reach
'Cause when you're with her, you can't speek
Without feeling stupid talkin' at half speed
But believe me, I've been tryin the last week
To gain contact, I've catched her eyes
Been left with a half assed smile and blasted mind
Not 'cause she hates me, but 'cause I'm unknown
But I'll show her my true self when we come close
So let me have that minute, some time to talk
To her 'tween four eyes, two lips and righteous thoughts
And I'll tell her, 'bout that time she laid eyes on me
How I reacted and kept thinking of her
and that all I ever wanted to have was some time to speek
Privately... damn, I'm really into her

You know that feeling
When words can't match your thoughts?
This is one of them feelings
When love doesn't have to be an actual thought
'Cause I know the feeling
When hesitation isn't 'bout lack of love
You know the question
But it's hard conversin' with a fractured jaw
So raise your glasses up
If your afraid to express your acts of love
but know that your dedicated
Only acting hesitative
'Cause you really feel like levitating
When you take that first step onto the escalator

Make your mind, do your thoughts
Speak your feelings
Express your love.. and live

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