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Bubble words...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-01 01:13

Bubble words...

Have you ever felt the sudden urge to bubble words
Babble verses just to battle persons with a subtle surge
but felt you wanna splurge nothing but other verbs
A forgotten tale is this history of dichotomies like this
I once knew a boy, a bit schizo, crazy from the get go
He met flows like, gave it a hunch and then flipped slow
to later on speed it up and be like a friggin missile
he chiseled fissions in each mission that gripped him
down to the gristle he whistled past without any ignition
his pistons were pumping glistening nitroglycerin
any fight he'd risen in, prisoned the opponents listening
flows was fizzing, mashing masters of any ceremony
creating disasters from Baghdad to Vienna n Germany
Every stage he ripped was a memory of his past trips
there was always a tomorrow and a new day to master it
but here's the asterisk, a flash went past his wrists
hold up, are you grasping this? the grass grabbed his fists
he'd battle this if this catalyst wasn't a mirrored image
a simple but weird finish, something splinted his scrimmage
a grim and diminished minute halted this dimwits limits
timid but still simmering this boy stopped glimmering
he'd gotten tired of the game and he'd shattered his demons
steaming, he stopped screaming this fiend halted as a freeman
He'd busted all his words, thrown 'em at opponents
blown all glow when condoning losses like Romans
the answer's that, take no chances to bust raps to advance
stand with busted kneecaps in the sands of the musical dessert
you'll only get deserted by these sturdy n worldly liars
the compliance is to have a friendly alliance with the science
get violent when needed and stay silent when not heeded
read it and weep dear fellows, say goodbye and hello
this mellow cat, fell on raps, now he dwell on the past
sell what for cash? Music is free and I love it, damn
so brother man, greed will snap you like a rubber band
He still stands tall in his puddle of mud, loving the art
heads up, this dude had trouble at starts, above at the charts
but simple things change and people get tired quick
this is the silent science of one bored but still admired prick

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein