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Viszla - Feel me?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-29 19:55

Viszla - Feel me?

"yo i wanna say one thing more tho
iam glad that my mother have stand me
even tho all the late phone calls
from the policestation and all that"

"iam so glad that you have been there all the way
iam really sorry for all the bad things iv
done to you, and to all the others too"

"why did we really fuck thoese fools
to get an pace of crak? or what, huh?"


iv tryed to flee to many times now
been almost everywhere you can imagne jao

yeah its for real now, no more of that now
wanna kick this lyrics for you now
maybe some of you dudes will recognize this shit
its my life, my story, my thang

It starts somewehere around year 99
That's when I took my first puff
and Almost at the same time
I got caught doing an bunch's of crimes

didnt give a fuck about it, did role on with my bussnies
pitcure me selling stolen goods middle in the school yard
the little kid middle in the big bussnies
didnt know what the fuck i was going into
it never seems to go to an end
they only keep hittin me with moore and moore

the funnest thing about it, the police didnt see
it was like i was invisible or something bee

but now they seems to know mine every step man
cant even go outside my own house
they asking bunch of questions and push me to the wall
they waiting everyday to bust me with something
but they know they wont, they will not get a shit out of me
its the streets codes, you never talk homie

so now iam inside writing a bunch of half ass songs
for you to lissen too

so bitch please, if you dont like this shit
well just say it, "fool"

and no, iam not one of them mtv rappers talking
about how much cash and how many iv killd today

wanna keep it real all the way
so you can feel me in every way

so please if you like this shit just follow the words
dont care if you download it or steel this from your local record store

and yes you will see me in every corner in this city too
i love to be in the game, havin control

but in a different way, do you feel me now?

aja bara lite smått dragit ihop så där