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You want me dead

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-28 22:09

You want me dead

You just wanna kill me? I knew it
I´m not stupid, I know you hate my music
But that´s your thing, kill me twice please
The night after you gonna be awake and crying
It´s basic a sort of warfare, my ghost will always survive
After that night-thing you gonna find your heavy burdan
And kill yourself, so kill me, stab me now
It´s my demand, send your fucking crew
Then you got the job done and leaving the guilt
But at the end you gonna end up killed
As in every scenario, shot me or kick my ass
Succeed with your task? write down your tag
And go to your friends and brag
Or go to the club and shake your asS
If you do that it gonna be something wrong with your drink
So don´t do that as if you do, your death gonna be boring
As the gangmember you are brag with your homies
And I will perpare for the bomb I shall attacking your home with
Yes, it´s true and you cannot sue me
Why? I´m dead your fucking loser
So shut the fuck up or I will show you the true me

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