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FFTG - Playing with death

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-24 16:00

FFTG - Playing with death

Then I step up deck you better protect yo neck/
You fucka wanna suck my dick but fail at the kick/
Rob you whole brain,even if I know it was worthless/
You suck at all sheet that you try in art of living/
For you own sake you better start digging/
Soon if you living like you do it just gonna be a favour/
Cuz I shall kill you no matter in what flavour/
I be your saviour/ The allmighty protect for the tech/
I'll be for you when you ask me for it/
Bite your head OF!/ Clean evil shit behaviour/
Thought times makes people paranoid/
People tell me that I should take care of tha greed/
You be the virus seed/ for the people living in need/
The flesh and blood infected in a dangerous decise/
The good side in you it will retreat/
Then you like me, clean evil bitch, I live you with a deadly stich/

Är själv fett nöjd med den..
Jag vet att det är kassa rim å så..

Men säg vad ni tycker bara!!!

Burn this after rolling