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Rebhell - 19 lines from my head...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-10 09:26

Rebhell - 19 lines from my head...

People hunt advantages, might sell your ass to make some cash
So I guess it´s bad to grab a helping hand from a selfish man
Raise your hands to the sky, calm down our guardian angels
Allthough our trust is like lust to a fucked up slut
We should be talking to strangers

Hard to start from a failure when I seek for the best of me
That part must´ve been left to bleed, might even rest in peace
My creative side is locked up inside my pens, stuck to writing
I´m left with an attempt for these letters to cut he right wing

Can´t be enough of fighting, make sure to never stop the riots
Panic was needed when Paris was bleeding, but fuck the violence
I see the world as a dead end, will still be rhyming for peace
Hopefull vibes to the street where they fight the police, all night
and all weeks till they´re finally free

By the time we will see some reaction from the wordleaders
If not, there will be people stabbing down them nerveaters
When you burn freedom the flames will pay for change with pain
The disgraced will rape their faith and break the chains
They say this world is colder than ice, I say just open your eyes
See oppurtunitys instead of dilemmas, grab this moment of life

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