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Trikkantolala, Just testing another language.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-08 17:32

Trikkantolala, Just testing another language.

Postade denna för ett par månader sen, fick knapp respons på den. Here it is again, något omgjord.

He's alive but you see the fading soul in his eyes
Whether he'll survive or not is just a roll off the dice
She left a hole in his life, walking out that door
Without her care he started falling down that morn
Tremendous preasure, she was a delicious treasure,
but became a victim of his malicious pleasure
The regrets he gets is not of this world
Whants to take back a lot of his words
But the words were said and the hurt were done
Gone are the days when he were the one
He's not healing, staring apathetic at the ceiling
He's grieving, needing a pathetic little feeling
A pathetic little feeling he felt called joy
But now he's all coy feeling like a small boy
Stone cold, he's now wrapped in to his cocoon
Banning sunlight, craving for the blue moon