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Joto - Damn Girl

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-11-07 23:02

Joto - Damn Girl

hahahaha... lite skojjit... Först skriva lite kärlek och sen liiiiite humor ;)

Damn girl...
You make my time, so I´ll go and take some rhymes...
My little sun, its more than your soft hair that make you shine,
but I forgot my sunglasses... So sit down next to me..
That wont make me blind and it would be a pleasure, see...
I love you girl... Nothing will ever change my mind...
I would still love you even if I got betrayed by time!
You make me smile, I guess its your speak no! Its your jokes..
Its you and me, thats why I carved our names in some oaks...
Remember the day when we... By the way who are you?
I didnt even get your name... *What? have we not met?*
But I still love you, I love your behaviour and I love your body,
I love your hobbies, I love your name and your belly button..
Ill be burried on the graveyard If I dont chare this love with
the only one that make s me float like Mary poppins!
I aint dope but... Well... That doesnt change my emotions..
I dream about you... Being without you make my tears go off!
So I grab my not existing teddy and pretends its you..
I always fall asleep with you... Always in the end, its you!

Good girl...
Why pretend? Lets order a room at a hotel...
And have a good time, You are hot as two hells!
At least... Well... uhm.. I feel very ashamed now..
This aint what I feel... I just pretended to be soy in a while...

This is the end girl....

moahahaha :P

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold