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Jorkey - Right way

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-10-31 23:31

Jorkey - Right way

Vers 1:

The life is hard where should I go/
I know It's a hard answer to know/
I think It's best I listen to myself/
Do what I want then I can't blame at someone else/

Does the right way exist/
Give me some advice how I can find it/
So I don't get involved with the wrong shit/
An example smoke up that cannabis/

I don't blame others who do that/
Sometimes I think about to to that/
The times when I feel the pain in my heart/
To forget about all the bad parts/

That don't wanna disapper/
I'm worried cause I starting to feelin fear/
Of all the bad shit in this world/
I'm just a little boy tha wanna be heard/