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2005-10-25 12:53


Waking up yet another day
And missing the one thing that would make me feel in another way
If I could I would give you the sky and the sea
But I don't think there's one thing in this world that'll make you notice me
Can't say I was nothing before you came into my life
And ever since then I've never been complete,something like a shade
Always missed something,one thing that I can never seem to evade
You're the sweetest thing walking this earth
And that you've always been,ever since your birth
Whenever you look at me I smile at you,and you seem to smile back
But there's one thing you don't understand,that my heart is in your hands...

When I'm with you,I forget everything else,nothing really matters except you
Holding a silly thought that you might think so too
Always trying to make you laugh,to see your smile
Cause it makes me warmer than if I'd run a mile
I'm Obsessed with you in my mind
Because a more wonderful girl is something I'll never find
Never find,Never find...

I've always heard that love is the most wonderful emotion there is
But at the moment it feels like the worst thing,as a huge and miserable quiz
I wonder what would happen if I would say that "I love you" to you
Would you run away and laugh at me with all your friends or tell me that that is what you think about me too?
I want to have you,want to kiss you,want to cuddle with you,want to grab you in my arms
Want to feel your soft cheek against mine,everything about you is so damn fine
I wish that I had the key to your heart,the key to your love
Wanna have the angel that was sent from above
Thinking about you 24/7
Cause when I think about you it makes me feel like I'm in heaven
Thinking about you makes me feel in a special way
So it's no mystery that I think about you every single day
But then my mind starts to think back,to the present,to keep me on track
To a boy and his unanswered love,his broken heart,his broken dreams
Shattered in the inside,but looking good on the outside,nothing is what it seems
So I'm beging you to look into my eyes and tell me how you feel
This doesn't have to be a dream,it can be real...

When I'm with you,I forget everything else,nothing really matters except you
Holding a silly thought that you might think so too
Always trying to make you laugh,to see your smile
Cause it makes me warmer than if I'd run a mile
I'm Obsessed with you in my mind
Because a more wonderful girl is something I'll never find
Never find,Never find...

But I guess that real love isn't as in the movies
Although sometimes I wished it could be
So I could kiss you,hold you in my arms,just you and me
Because it's a fucking pain to see you every day
But not being able to kiss or making out with you in any way
My mind is going crazy,don't really know how long I can hold on
So I take my refuge to the world of music,the world of lyricsism(?)
Maybe it's where I belong
Alone and trying to be strong,but I may be wrong
Because I'm Obsessed with you,for a lot of reasons that I can't understand
For if love was a profession,you'd be the one and only brand...

When I'm with you,I forget everything else,nothing really matters except you
Holding a silly thought that you might think so too
Always trying to make you laugh,to see your smile
Cause it makes me warmer than if I'd run a mile
I'm Obsessed with you in my mind
Because a more wonderful girl is something I'll never find
Never find,Never find...

Meh..feelings from me heart..lite kritik !:o

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