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Joto - Tudor [20]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-10-18 21:12

Joto - Tudor [20]

Satt och nynnade på nått som slutligen blev detta :)

Tudor want something! But who knows what?
He´ll soon be able to reach it like when you grow up..
Because like the lonewolf he is, he stand alone
He wanna make snuff, like a reality al capone
with him as the main person, he´s followed by a curse and
he is tired of the light! He wants to flip the curtains...
But I trust Tudor... We are like brothers of blood!
In fact do we actually have the same mother and stuff,
the same brothers and luck, no luck in games!
He got no luck in love, no luck in anything!
He just want to scream out all the pain within!
If he met a lovely person could it as well rain again...
He dont care about drips! He care about friends!
He can go throught suffer to be with them once again!
In fact my real friends, dont know, do I have even one?
Well except Joto.. My wellknowned soulmate!
We are the same as a person! and if you dont think its okey
we´ll make you so gay it´ll make Darin look gay!
This is the end.. And its Tudor who goes offstage!
*not important place for lyrics* yo ey! :P

hehehehe kommentera :)

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold