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2005-10-12 17:56

I'm sorry

Feeling too tiered
Like a moth but that didn't get fired
Closing my eyes and thinking my thoughts
How did it come to this?
This is worse than any bliss
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Shouldn't be forgiven,not even with the sky
I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you
Shouldn't be in peace,not even with the blue
Everything I can think about is you
How I hurted you
So,bare with me now

With my last thoughts
For soon,you'll never hear me again
Never thought it would come to this
But the pain I caused you was too much
Can't think of any other way
So this is my goodbye,my last day
Take care of you,and promise that you'll live glad
Just thinking about it,won't even make me mad
But feeling the knife cutting in my vain
Forever washing away the agony and the pain
Ahh...the eternal sleep
Hoping it will heal wounds that are too deep..

Meh,första text,inte riktigt klar ännu,ville bara se va ni tycker om den..:o

Meep meep