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Spex - Can't stand this mess

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-10-05 12:42

Spex - Can't stand this mess

Sunshine's too bright for her pale skin
The clock rings for lunchtime and she cries
till her eyes start aching...
Her heart's racing, facing her prescription
"Three meals a day" that her body's rejecting
So she fantasises about having her wrist slit
Of not being that misfit that can't keep nutrisions
She leaves school early today, like everyday
Going home to depressed memories, emptiness
and a wasted dad...

She got ideals to thank, fashion magazines
Starving models, plastic surgery and naked manikins
Breast implants and ageless pornography
Infants dying of slim fast in this ancient society
Small children earning pay checks orally
And sexist pigs feeding this fainting reality
The tough pressure by companies on pre-teens
To live up to that happy picture shown on TV
Telling you that living is easy, weed leafs
Offering a presence of comfort, but believe me
It ain't worth it...
But she'll do anything to ease the moment though
Too many fixes and hits conjures her broken soul
Mom is dead,
Dad only sees answers in the bottom of a bottle
While her body's neglected and forgotten
A small girl with mascara running down her cheeks
Inner eyes fleeing her own body panicking
Downstairs, slowly she opens the bathroom cabinet
Finding a bottle, open it and grab two tablets
The bathtub is tapped full, pulling her last breath
Swallowing the pills and fall asleep, it feels perfect
Feeling her soul leave her body beneath the surface

She's free now, no more bulling on brakes
No more waking up at night, fully awake
No more running crying from the cafeteria
To the toilets, throwing up her interiors
No more pain to handle, rage to mantle
No more painful questions and faithful answers
She had it, couldn't take it
A product of society that didn't make it

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