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(7th Sense) 2 nya texter!!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-26 13:56

(7th Sense) 2 nya texter!!

Anti hero:

It's the anti hero, the graff writers an those b-boys
MC's rippin mic's at the store corner for rejoice
turning time to lust earning lives of hurting minds
it's the goverment cover up shit wit burning lies
over attention, wit no redemption for further cries
the tragic panics and antque ways in a passin phase
it's street life and each mind stresses in pantin days
it's the anti-hero...the four elements of hip-hop
The Zulu nation gettin spots of respect with talks
the works and basis taught by time of the wrist watch
Addiction...graff gettin on my mind that gets lost
it's the dreams of kids on the streets rippin beats an shit
rockin mic's harder than skill in it's real quintessence
it's the anti heroic mind eroded by lies turned an closin
burned an chosen leavin kids chokin certain over doses
it's why i write my rhymes on nights inspired by time
passin wit experience an askin above about signs
it's bombin the city, spray paint and all the commodities
the lyrical odyseys on the scences wit thought n dreams...

Abstract thinking:

we live extremes of high and low, and then it's time to go
to find the road in this maze that creates the best kind of show
these crossroads are endless with so many decisions to make
which visions are fake? follow one and leave precision to fate
are we destined to end up in a certain place doin certain shit?
or does the curtain lift on our lives and our choices determined it?
never know until we are wrapped up and we all hit the end
we bitch to friends our thoughts, but we just wish n pretend
it's the unknown land and none of us really know the facts
coz we wishin the future was known and had shown the tracks
do we really have a chance for our dreams to make it real?
a chance to let our hatred wield us to depths that make us kill?
we all got our little stories to tell and no two are the same
we all new to the game, yet let ourselves choose to blame
pumped with confusion, yet we leave peeps slumped to seclusion
damn it, why do we then let ourselves jump to conclusions?

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