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Andrew - I know my plan!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-15 19:56

Andrew - I know my plan!

min senaste text, satt ett tag med den..så det skulle ju va schysst o få lite kritik=) blev lite lång kanske..ajja sånt som händer..

I know my plan it's just...I can't trust chance or luck//
Or bandage up what gets said when a man gets drunk//
Time passes through wine glasses even if the hands are stuck//
I ran for what? My life? It's not even worth standin up//
I could straighten my good graces and be as holy as you//
But I'll keep sittin til my feet blister through the soles of my shoes//
Cause it was over as soon as I sold my soul for gold and a few//
Old opium tubes that were already opened and used//
My shoulder is bruised, I carried the world, holdin the moon//
But I can't carry a tune doesn't that seem hopeless to you?//
Switchin a couple of flows mixed into couplets of prose//
My life's line's like a ripple that struggled and froze//
On a river covered in snow in winter a hundred below//
So I sit til I'm either sick or in love with the cold//
Basically I'm a manuscript for how deep a man can get//
When he puts his TV on sleep and lets the channels flip//
And slips off to dream and seems to channel it//
Where fantasy gets the chance to be a damaged wish//
On some tantric shit with sixty candles lit//
Until his brainwaves change pace and jam the dish//
I see wisdom and knowledge shifting, quibbling with scholars//
Drifting, I spit on my followers and gave my sibblings the power//
I've been to bottoms of moutains and the top of ocean//
And every promise I honored, dozens were probably broken//