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Queff - The Pharaohs wack.txt

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-05 00:10

Queff - The Pharaohs wack.txt

can you kick it? OH NO YOU CAN'T
I told you man, ya'll can't flow yo raps
Ya'll might wonder, what made me do this,
But I think that that shit you spit is stupid, and useless
a fucking glas-eyed, snot-nosed, punk-assed ugly dude
can't rap tight, I got flows, yousa hunchback, makin fun of you
looks like the typical whoa-user, too ugly for playahead,
and yeah you a cool cat cuz you bumpin to krs!
fuck that, you ain't oldschool, and you'll never be
even if I was a prostitute you wouldn't get ahead of me.
And yousa ugly cat! Looking like Bill Gates mini-me!
bitches shouldn't be aloud to post threads, til they loose virginity
as I chew mcs, my crews at ease,
because they know I rule citys and flow like New Orleans
Flip Da Streets, ya' heard me, rippin' it dirty
Pharaohs go back to mummys when QibQib emerges
I read your first thread, kept an eye on what you spit
been like a years and you haven't evolved shit!
You call yourself a rapper? Ain't nobody heard ya'
shut the fuck up and comeback when you ain't a virgin
my shit raised you and you disgraceful! you can't flow like queff
fuck a ape crew, i slayed you, now go to rest..

OT? Fuck that, Queff brings you a KO..

damn, what's wrong with my generation?
we was the cream of the crop but it seems we've been robbed
that's what happens when you trade in all your dreams for a job