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tsun - untitled

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-03 18:34

tsun - untitled

I blow holes in my boat
and I sink like a captain
I just can't be that cadette no more,
Drowning in passion
But now when I killed that,
I drown in my tears,
And it's same end like you were here,
but you're not..
and I miss you...
I'm so amazed
what happened to Tsun?
Everything's cold and pain
Forgive me, I'm lonely,
Kiss me and hold me
and make it go away
I'm falling, Just like you darling,
So let's hold hands and grab the moment, before we lost it
I'm sorry, I truly am, So let me hold you hand
And fight the demons and bring you light and freedom
It would give my life a meaning, Give me a purpose
Just touch me.... This night would be perfect

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